Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Kasihan kat mereka ni...

Sehari sebelum 1 Syawal, saya berkunjung ke pusat bandar kota bharu dan singgah sekejap di Giant mall. Banyak perubahan yang telah berlaku pada fizikal bandar dan infrastruktur bangunan di sekitarnya. Alhamdulillah. Namun begitu, ramai kelihatan anak-anak muda yang pelik dengan pakaiannya. Bagi yang lelaki sudah menjadi kebiasaan jika ada yang memakai jeans dan baju fit. Tetapi bagi perempuan ada juga yang memakai baju fit malah seluar pun fit. Lebih fit dari jeans lagi. Menampakkan lengkok tubuhnya yang indah. Jelas kelihatan umpama telanjang. Jika ditukar warna seluar tersebut kepada warna koko, kita boleh kata mereka bertelanjang.

Yang makin menyedihkan kita ialah kebanyakan dari mereka ini mengenakan tudung. Itu yang sedih tu. Pelik tu memang pelik. Dah pakai tudung kenapa nak telanjang pula kat bawah. Anak-anak muda sekarang makin pelik. Umpama perempuan pakai tudung tapi kat bawah pakai skirt paras paha atau lutut kemudian berjalan-jalan dengan senang-lenang dan bangga diri di khalayak ramai. Kasihan kat mereka ni. Mungkin mereka tak tahu atau mereka tak belajar. Mereka hanya tahu pakai tudung dan tutup semua tubuh sudah dikira sebagai tutup aurat. Kasihan kat mereka ni. Jadi saudari-saudariku sekelian, ketahuilah lengkok tubuhmu itu adalah aurat sebenarnya. Pakailah pakaian yang labuh dan TIDAK MENAMPAKKAN BENTUK TUBUHMU wahai saudari-saudariku. InsyaAllah keselamatan dan ketenangan untukmu, ku sentiasa doakan!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Paderi Terry Jones ‘masih berdoa untuk ilham’ bakar al-Quran - Di mana kita umat Islam?

GAINESVILLE, Florida 8 Sept. – Paderi sebuah gereja kecil yang menyokong falsafah anti-Islam menyatakan dia masih berdoa ‘untuk mendapatkan ilham’ sama ada akan meneruskan rancangannya untuk membakar al-Quran pada 11 September ini, yang ditentang oleh pemimpin agama dan beberapa pihak lain.
Paderi Terry Jones berkata, dia menerima lebih 100 ancaman bunuh dan mula membawa pistol tetapi dia tetap tidak menarik balik rancangannya untuk membakar kitab suci umat Islam itu.

Menurut paderi berusia 58 tahun itu, ancaman bunuh ke atasnya bermula sejurus dia mengumumkan akan mengadakan ‘Hari Membakar al-Quran Antarabangsa’ Julai lalu.

Penyokong-penyokongnya telah menghantar naskah-naskah al-Quran ke gereja yang mempunyai 50 pengikut itu untuk dibakar sempena ulang tahun kesembilan serangan 9/11.

Jeneral David Petraeus memberi amaran dalam e-melnya kepada The Associated Press bahawa tindakan itu akan digunakan pihak pelampau di Afghanistan dan seluruh dunia untuk membangkitkan pendapat umum dan mengapi-apikan keganasan.

Menurut Jones, dia turut bimbang tetapi menolak untuk membatalkan protes itu di gereja Dove World Outreach Center kerana dia masih berdoa mengenai rancangannya itu.

Tindakannya itu akan dilindungi oleh Pindaan Pertama berhubung kebebasan bersuara. Mahkamah Tinggi Amerika Syarikat (AS) dengan jelas dalam beberapa keputusan menunjukkan bahawa ucapan yang dianggap menyinggung ramai orang, mahupun kumpulan majoriti tidak boleh disekat oleh kerajaan kecuali ia jelas bertujuan mengugut seseorang atau menghasut melakukan keganasan, menurut pakar undang-undang.
Dakwa Jones, al-Quran adalah ‘jahat’ kerana menyokong sesuatu berbeza dengan Bible dan menghasut radikal dan keganasan di kalangan Islam. – Utusan Malaysia, 9 September 2010.
Itu adalah sumber berita yang benar saya petik dari laman web Utusan Malaysia. Laporan berita tersebut benar-benar menyirapkan darah di dalam tubuh saya. Begitu kurang ajar dan jahatnya paderi tersebut. Inilah pelampau agama Krisitian yang begitu jahat sekali. Sehingga beliau sanggup mengisytiharkan hari pembakaran al-Quran. Sudah tentu idea ini menimbulkan kemarahan dan  kebencian umat Islam kepada beliau khususnya. Memang benar kebebasan bersuara itu perlu dijaga, namun begitu kebebasan pun ada keterbatasannya juga. Alhamdulillah, ada juga pihak yang prihatin dengan isu ini. Ada yang menghantar koresponden yang positif untuk menentang dan membantah habis-habisan apa yang disebut sebagai idea yang jahat dan tidak berakal. Terry Jones merupakan paderi yang terkenal dengan dendam kesumatnya pada umat Islam lantaran dari peristiwa 9/11 yang berlaku di Amerika beberapa tahun yang lalu.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Teguhkanlah Keperibadian Anda

Yakni, jangan mudah mengenakan dan meniru-niru ciri keperibadian umat lain! Kerana itu, akan menjadi petaka yang tidak mudah redha bagimu. Orang-orang yang lupa dengan dirinya sendiri, suaranya, gerakan tubuhnya, ucapannya, kemampuannya, dan keadaannya sendiri, kebanyakan akan meniru budaya bangsa lain. Dan itulah yang disebut dengan melatah, mengada-ada, berpura-pura dan kehilangan jati diri.

Sejak zaman Nabi Adam a.s hingga makhluk terakhir ciptaan Allah tidak pernah ada dua yang sama seperti rupanya. Maka, mengapa masih ada orang-orang yang memaksa diri untuk menyamakan perilaku dan keperibadiannya dengan bangsa lain?

Anda merupakan sesuatu yang lain daripada yang lain; tidak ada seorang pun yang menyerupai anda dalam catatan sejarah kehidupan ini, belum pernah ada seorang pun yang diciptakan sama dan tidak akan pernah ada orang yang akan serupa dengan anda di kemudian hari.

Anda sama sekali berbeza dari Zaid dan 'Amr. Kerana itu, jangan memaksa diri untuk meniru-niru keperibadian orang lain! Tetaplah berpijak dan berjalan pada keadaan dan perilaku anda sendiri!

~ Inilah peringatan buat diriku yang sering lupa.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Hari yang berlalu... Di manakah kita sebenarnya?

Hari-hari yang berlalu, di manakah kita sebenarnya? Adakah anda tahu siapa anda sebenarnya? Di manakah anda sebenarnya? Ke manakah anda sebenarnya? Satu lagi, dari mana sebenarnya kita berasal? Permasalahan yang berlaku dalam masyarakat kita adalah mungkin disebabkan kedapatan begitu banyak masalah dalam pemikiran kita. Tapi saya rasa bukan mungkin tapi pasti disebabkan.

Masyarakat Islam kita terpedaya dengan pelbagai lontaran idea dan agenda dari golongan barat a.k.a orientalis dan yahudi dalam usaha mereka untuk mengemudikan pemikiran kita umat Islam. Semalam saya sempat berkunjung ke salah sebuah pasar raya besar (saiz Mall) di kawasan Pantai Timur. Sepanjang kunjungan saya itu, saya sempat singgah di satu kedai menjual dvd, vcd dan cd hiburan seperti lagu-lagu, nasyid, filem barat dan banyak lagi sumber hiburan dalam bentuk digital. Tapi saya tertarik dengan satu cd album dendangan seorang artis yang seakan-akan orang putih atau eropah. Tapi setelah diteliti raut wajahnya. Saya yakin artis tersebut adalah berketurunan Arab. Mungkin Arab yang tinggal di Eropah. Sebab dari segi pemakaian pun sudah agak kebaratan.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Diam Dengan Nama Allah - Kadang-kadang manusia terlalu cerdik sehingga menenggelamkan orang yang cerdik!

Saya terbaca satu artikel dari SAIFULISLAM.COM. Artikelnya cukup menarik membicarakan kisah seorang muslim yang tak berapa pandai tapi berpura-pura pandai. Malah perasaan takut dan bimbangnya begitu hebat sehinggakan dia boleh menuduh orang yang lebih pandai darinya sebagai sesat dan menyesatkan. Pelik, pelik manusia akhir zaman ni... Soroti artikel tersebut :-

“Imam, saya mahu dapatkan penjelasan awak” kata Ali.
“Silakan” saya mengajak beliau duduk di kerusi.
“Tak apa. Tak payah duduk. Saya minta Imam buka Quran terjemahan itu!” tegas Ali.
Saya kaget.
Mengapa begitu tegang intonasi Ali?
Saya mencapai naskhah terjemahan al-Quran di dalam Bahasa Inggeris yang berada di pejabat. Terjemahan versi Dr. Muhammad Taqiuddin Al-Hilali dan Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan.

“Buka surah al-Ikhlas” Ali memberikan ‘arahan’.
Saya patuh.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Pagi yang segar...

Pagi yang segar adalah pagi yang penuh dengan barakah dan kemuliaan. Kata-kata seorang hukama' terkenal di timur tengah. Saya tak ingat namanya tapi begitulah lebih kurang maknanya. :-) (saya bukannya pandai bahasa Arab, belajar sikit-sikit masa kecil-kecil dulu adalah). Cuba renungkan... Apa maksud dan makna yang tersirat di sebaliknya? Apakah tanda-tanda pagi itu penuh dengan barakah dan kemuliaan? Mudah sahaja. Cuba anda tengok di sekeliling anda? Ada tak tanda-tanda matahari bersinar seperti rembulan? Ada ke matahari macam bulan? Mana ada. Itu hanya sekadar simbolik dan kritikan halus kepada sesiapa yang makan cili dia yang terasa pedasnya.

Kadang-kadang peribahasa dan perumpamaan ini membolehkan kita untuk kembali menilai siapa diri kita sebenarnya. Dari mana  asal-usul kita? Kenapa kita dilahirkan ke dunia? Apa tujuannya? Kenapa perlu makan & minum? Kenapa perlu mandi? Kenapa perlu tidur? Kenapa perlu belajar kat sekolah? Kenapa perlu belajar setinggi-tinggi sehingga ke universiti? Kenapa perlu kahwin? Kenapa perlu ada anak? Kenapa perlu ada keluarga? Kenapa? Kenapa? dan kenapa? Jawapannya hanya satu.
Kita adalah MANUSIA!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

A good workstation is a relax workstation..

I try to figure it out what the taste of a good workstation? Kadang-kadang kita tak faham why people always depend on technology? Mungkin mereka tak mahu hidup dalam keadaan susah dah sekarang. Kalau dahulu manusia menggunakan pelbagai teknologi tradisional dalam penghantaran maklumat atau info seperti melalui cara pos, telefon, telegraf, telegram dan banyak lagi. Namun semua teknologi tradisional tersebut memakan masa yang agak lama juga. Tapi still fast than walking alone. :-)

Hari ini saya agak relax sebab baru balik dari kursus yang hampir seminggu di INTAN, KL. Pening juga main dengan System Linux ni. Kita tak pernah dan amat cetek ilmu tentang linux. ZERO OR MINUS ONE. hehehe... Tapi itu semua adalah cabaran minda yang wajib kita tempuh jika kita benar-benar nak knowledge. Knowledge atau ilmu ini perlu dicari bukan diorang yang cari kita. Samalah juga dengan guru, kita yang cari guru bukannya guru cari kita. Itu baru konsep perguruan yang sebenar. Tak kira apa ilmu sekalipun. Ilmu rohani, agama, alat, dunia, akhirat semuanya sama sahaja konsep perguruannya.

Ok, saya kira itu hanya sekadar catatan dangkal dan cetek yang saya patut catat hari ini. Sekarang nak kena update direktori staff. Info tertinggal kat ofis jadi tak sempat nak update direktori staff. Fuyohhh... :-)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Siapa kita? Who we are?

Kadang-kadang kita pernah berfikir kenapa orang suka sangat buat kelakuan yang merangsang hati untuk melakukan sesuatu yang tidak elok dan buruk. Kadang-kadang kita pernah berfikir kenapa begitu ramai manusia selalu berdengki dan hasad pada kita. Kadang-kadang tak ramai orang tahu bahawa kita selalu berdengki dan hasad pada orang lain.

Segala benda-benda ini tidak dapat kita fikir lebih-lebih atau dalam-dalam kerana ramai orang tidak tahu berfikir. Ramai yang tahu buat tapi tak tahu fikir sebagaimana ramai yang tahu fikir tapi tak tahu buat. Macam-macam manusia ada atas muka bumi ini. Macam-macam pesen.

Sebab itu di akhirat kelak ada bermacam-macam ragam manusia yang datang mengadap yang Maha Esa. Pengakhirannya ialah kita fikirkan tentang akhirat dan kurangkan sikit saja fikiran tentang dunia. Kadang-kadang dunia menyebabkan kita jadi bengon atau bodoh. Mengejar duit ibarat lagu : Duit... duit... di mana kau duit... , mengejar wanita ibarat lagu : Siapa bilang gadis melayu tak menawan, tak menarik hati, tiada terpikat; mengejar kuasa dan banyak lagilah tentang dunia ni yang kita kejar.

Tetapi apa yang penting, kita fikir siapa kita maka kita akan ingat siapa kita dan bertindak sebagaimana asal kejadian kita. :-)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A little busy having time with family...

I'm having a busy time with my family along this Chinese New Year holiday. I cant believe that I got myself a new and first niece ever. :-) It's a lucky day! He is She. Her name is Aisyah. Wow! So cute and chubby. Never make noise and always make us more easy and comfortable. Little ding-dong and not much trouble like other baby. hehehe...

All my family having time at my grandfather home. We all gathered there and having a discussion all about family matters. The first great meeting ever. Today I'm going to bring home a little freebies for my whole family. Hehehe... guess what?

Friday, February 5, 2010

Kak Wok Rice or Nasi Kak Wok

Have you ever eat "Kak Wok Rice" or "Nasi Kak Wok"? It is my first time eating this food since my studying at college. That's was first time for me. Having time with my friends eating Nasi Kak Wok after friday prayer at Lundang Mosque (Masjid Lundang). Usually Nasi Kak Wok coming with a plain rice, fried chicken (ayam goreng) or ayam gulai, a little vegetables, sambal merah and etc.

It's so delicious and yummy! Because it's so hot and spicy, cheap and easy to consume in my stomach. But yesterday, I go with my friend during breakfast time, eating clone of Nasi Kak Wok. Maybe... just a think. :-) And maybe tomorrow I'll go again at original Nasi Kak Wok at KBMC with my cousin.

I want to feel again the aroma that have taken me so long for a long journey through food. :-)

Kak Wok Rice shop or Kedai Nasi Kak Wok at Kok Lanas.

Nasi Kak Wok or Kak Wok Rice

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Playing with avatar the game...

Have you see Avatar? It's a cool and good movie I've ever seen. My last view of Avatar is on early January 2010. It's a good time watching this good movie. Fill with friendship, relation, love, honour, honest, integrity and a lot of morale value.

For a good sake, I bought Avatar the Game (ATG) at Billion Shopping Complex. It's a good game. With Third Person Shooter stye, ATG really-really makes me nervous and excited. Good to complain and good to support. I never see the game like this before. So nice and cool! :-)

A lot of mission that I have to finish off. But in about 5 days, I finish all the missions. Very exciting and cool! See for yourself here : >>>

Monday, February 1, 2010

Fail to visit PCB again...

What the odd? I've failed to visit PCB again. It's a very busy day. Hoping my cousin, playing with "Avatar" the game from my pc desktop. It's a nice and cool thing to do during weekend. But at least I can help my family keep house clean and tidy.

Have you eat sea food from PCB? It's a delicious and good food to gain our energy. It's full of vitamins and minerals. This weekend I'll go to PCB, what ever it takes. I will! hehehe... Just a spirit within the hungry stomach. hehehe....

Have a nice day!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Good weekend for a relaxation...

Maybe this weekend I'm going to visit some places in my state for a relaxation. We work so hard and passionate everyday. Now it's time for a break. A little long break. Maybe some places like Pantai Cahaya Bulan (hehe..), RFC Restaurant again, Pantai Bisikan Bayu or some other place.

But today I want to study a few of php programming language. It's so cool to study this programming language. So good and so tasty. Like a fruit. Like a grape. Hehehe... Knowledge is a power of life. Without knowledge we will sinking in the water. :-) Just a proverbs.

You can try something new but not current thing. But be careful. It's might bite you up! hehehe...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Got to find another place of peace...

Have you heard about Pantai Cahaya Bulan (PCB) or PCB beach ? If never, please be advice that this place is a very passionate place for couples. :-) just kidding. I've been there many times since my studying at college. It's a very nice place for me to take a rest and relaxation. It's full of tradisional village. Full of sensational aroma. Good for your health. I'm having a nice visit and time there. If you want to visit Pantai Cahaya Bulan alone or with your family, just email me. I'll give some information how to get there, where to stay, where to EAT :-) and where you can having a good time. Before that, please take a time to look at the picture below :

Shore that shining my mind...

The view of peace mind... I like this one...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Having time at Car Wash Shop at Guchil Bayam, Kota Bharu

Today, I'm take an early dinner at RFC Restaurant at Wakaf Mek Zainab, Kota Bharu. I go with my cousin. Eating Kuew Tiaw goreng (fried) and "Teh Beng". My cousin eat "Mee Goreng" (fried) and "Milo Beng". "Beng" in  standard Malay language means ice or icy. It's just a simple word inherit from generations to generations. I forgot to take pictures of Kuew Tiaw and Mee Goreng but I take pictures of Teh beng and Milo Beng. Here are the pictures :

Half of Teh Beng. Half of it is safe in my stomach. :-)

Milo Beng. Half of it is safe in my cousin stomach. :-)

My cousin staying behind the scene, hehehe... I'm so "kenyang"....

After that, I drive to the car wash shop located at Guchil Bayam, Kota Bharu. It's very simple and easy to park the car. Sadly, I have to wait about 30 minutes for my car complete wash and clean. Nevermind, at least my car growing stronger and clean. hehehe.... satisfy!

My "Hitam Manis", entering car wash shop.  It's so cute to see her entering from that position. 

Waiting about 30 minutes. hehehe.... be patient. Because patient always have to wait for a doctor.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Nasi Ayam at Kg. Cherang, Kota Bharu...

It's totally amazing when I first taste Nasi Ayam D' Cherang restaurant at Kampung Cherang, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. It was so good to having this good food. This was my first Nasi Ayam dinner since I come back to Kelantan. I hook on with my nephew. He also like Nasi Ayam too. Hehehe...

But I forgot to take a picture. So sad... Never mind, maybe next time I take as much as I can. Usually Nasi Ayam come out with a yellow steam rice (usually they use "beras siam"), quarter or a piece of roasted chicken, a small bowl of soup, a little black soy sauce (kicap manis) and a little "sambal lada". It's so delicious and so yummy! hehehe...

Today I'm gonna eat this food again and also with my nephew. So good to having a weekend time there. I'll take a lot of pictures today. And I will publish to my blog as much as I can. Nasi Ayam ooo Nasi Ayam ooo "saya mahu makan kamu!" Nasi Ayam... ooo Nasi Ayam.... (my official nasi ayam song). :-)

*** Updates
I've failed to go dinner at D'CHERANG restaurant. But I got this picture from one of blog that I read always. Please have a seat to see "Nasi Ayam" closely :

Is it delicious and yummy ?. :-)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Eating Satay in Malaysia... Wow!

It's so delicious when seeing other people eating satay at Kajang! Wow! Yummy! yummy! I was first time arrived at Kajang on Januari 2008. It was so amazing because this town was popular with a food call "Satay Kajang". I have to try this food because it was my dream to capture this food in my stomach. Huhuhu.... :-)

But I forgot to capture a picture for that moment. huhuhu... so sad... But I got these stuff from my favourite blog. You can read this posting write by one of the satay lover. I copy paste his article and pictures and his blog link for your reference. :

This was my dinner tonight – Haji Samuri’s famous Kajang Satay. It’s surprisingly fast and cheap to reach Kajang town from Seri Kembangan, only 20 minutes and RM1 toll. The real problem starts when you’re in Kajang town itself. It’s a small town but there’s a lot of cars. So, getting around would take quite a while even for a short distance. Read more if satays interest you..
Haji Samuri Kajang Satay

We ordered 10 chicken satays, 10 fish satays and 5 beef tripes satay. Beef tripes is at 9 o’clock, chicken at 6 while fish at 12.
satay kuah
Ketupat (rice dumpling) and the mandatory cucumbers as side dishes. Received some chain emails that cucumber helps to offset the satay’s cancerous effect.. I don’t know if this is real but fruits are good.. so finish them lah. The gravy which is brown greyish is sweet and loaded with peanuts. Chili is provided separately and you can customize your own peanut sauce’s spiciness. For me, I like it spicy. Apparently, the gravy is sooooo tasty for some people. I saw a girl eating the gravy only before the satay arrived using a spoon. Really so nice meh? LOL.
Haji Samuri satay kajang restaurant
Haji Samuri is really a huge restaurant, clean too. There are two floors and there’s an air conditioned section. I didn’t know this until I went exploring the restaurant after my meal. The air conditioned area is at the ground floor, just in front of the kitchen. Head there if you want a nicer environment.
BBQ satay kajang
The first floor is the only place where you can see the workers prepare the satays clearly. Interesting.
Haji Samuri kajang satay
The satays are good, no doubt about that. The chicken satay is the best among all, and all are equally priced at RM0.60 per stick. The special ones which cost more are rabbit (RM1.60!), deer and mutton. Too bad the rabbit satays were sold out, I really wanted to try it. Rabbit meat is said to have a really good texture and taste.
Haji Samuri satay kajang restaurant
This is how big the satay restaurant is.. it’s like a complex!
best kajang satay
A piece of advice.. don’t order so many satays at once.. Although they are really good, it’s better to order them in small batches. Order a few first, then ask for more if you really feel like it. For us, we felt very full and had a loathe (feel sien) for the satays already after 5-6 sticks. Also, you don’t need to travel to Kajang for the real thing because they already have a branch in Damansara Uptown, PJ. I wonder if the quality’s the same? Hmm..

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A lot of Wonders of Malaysia!!!

[ The Taller among the tallest building in the world ]

Petronas Twin Towers and the Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC)
The tallest building in the world, the Petronas Twin Towers, is a commanding sight. Together with the Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC), it symbolises Kuala Lumpur's and Malaysia's rapid rise as a developed nation. The whole site sits on what used to be the Selangor Turf Club grounds. The towers are awe-inspiring, with just the right combination of modern architecture and Islamic design.

At the base of the towers, the KLCC is the newest attraction in KL and all of Malaysia. A public park and gardens, with a wading pool, sits at the heart . They make a fantastic place to cool down after going around the Suria KLCC shopping centre - THE shopping centre boasting of the latest in fashion trends and designer labels.

 [ Sometimes I hook-up here and having a great time with my friends here ]

Dayabumi Complex
A skyscraper, 35 storeys high, stands proudly on Jalan Hishamuddin, high-vaulted arches decorating its entrance and its white open-fretwork glistening in the tropical sun; this is the Dayabumi Complex and its significance lies in the fact that it was the very first building in KL to boast of the Malaysian-style architecture, that is a unique combination of modern lines and Islamic motifs.

[ The place where Government policys are made ]

Parliament House
The Parliament House placed on elevated ground commands a panoramic view of the Lake Gardens is the modern Parliament House with its distinctive oval-shaped windows. It is situated in one of the greenest and most beautiful areas in KL and is superbly lit at night. The main building and its adjoining tower block accommodate the two houses of Parliament, a banquet hall, library, various offices and committee rooms.

Sri Mahamariaman Temple
Built in 18 7 3, this is one of the most ornate and elaborate Hindu temples in the country. The detailed decorative scheme for the temple incorporates intricate carvings, gold embellishments, hand-painted motifs and exquisite tiles from Italy and Spain. It also houses a giant chariot that is used to transport a deity annually during the Hindu festival of Thaipusam.

Sultan Abdul Samad Building
Facing Dataran Merdeka is Sultan Abdul Samad Building, a Moorish inspired building with shiny copper domes and a 130-metre clock tower. Designed by architects, Norman and Bidwell, it took more than two years to build and was completed in 1897. It was constructed to accommodate the various government administrative departments, among them the Federal Secretariat, Selangor State Secretariat, Public Works Department and the Sanitary Board. Today, it houses the Judicial Department on one end and The Textile Museum on the other.

National Mosque
The National Mosque is located near the railway station, along Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin. It has tiled appearance of a partly opened umbrella roof. Visitors are required to remove their shoes. Special robes arc provided if you are not appropriately attired.

Lake Gardens Located off Jalan Parlimen, is the greenbelt of Kuala Lumpur. Developed in the 1880s, these undulating and beautifully landscaped gardens cover 170 acres of rolling lawns with huge trees, colourful beds of flowers and two lakes. There is a children's playground, jogging tracks, exercise stations, and rowing boats. The popular gardens offer plenty of recreational opportunities and attractions.

The Orchid Garden showcases thousands of international varieties of the most beautiful flower in the world. The garden contains over 800 species from Malaysia alone.

The Hibiscus Garden is a small terraced garden, which provides a strikingly colorful panorama of countless varieties of hibiscus.

There are a number of beautiful parks in Kualam Lumpur like, the butterfly park which houses some 6,000 butterflies of over 120 species. It includes more than 15,000 plants from 100 species that have been used to recreate a Malaysian rainforest atmosphere. The Bird Park, the largest bird park in South-East Asia, holds thousands of tropical and exotic birds representing nearly every major species of this part of the world.

Deer Park is located in the undulating slopes and sprawling valley of the Lake Gardens. Close to the bubbling stream at the edge of the valley are several mousedeer. The mouse deer is the world's smallest hoofed animal and a popular figure in local folklore due to its legendary wit.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What a funny things??? A funky meeting...

Today, i'm having a little meeting with my collegue. It's very funny for me, because the MC dont know what's the main idea and objectives for that meeting. It's very irritating... hehehe... What a lovely scene... It's remember me to the one movie that i like to watch. Have you seen "A long came a spider"? What a lovely movie! Hehehe..

I like Morgan Freeman. The way he act as a pyscology police personel, it's look like that thing is happening. Actual event. What a happening! Back to the meeting event, luckily I suddenly sleep for a minute. It's good for you to have a sleeping time during a funny meeting like that. So funky! :-)

What a lovely moment. When someone woke me up, I suddenly grip my pen and try to act there is nothing happen at that time. It's so close! Tomorrow I'll updates a few information about beautiful and lovely places to visit.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Time for maghrib... Let's go for prayer..

Salam all folks, now it's 7.28 p.m (local time), it's time for maghrib. Let's go for maghrib prayer.

It's a long time not see.. KB vs KL

I think it's been a long time i'm not updating this blog. A lot of things i've to do for a some period of time. I've just came back from KL. Now i'm at my country home, Kelantan. A long journey is a tired matter. I'm travel alone like a lone ranger from KL to KB about 450km. That's a long journey to me. huhuhu...

Today is a good day but a little tired because air in KL is not good enough as KB. Country side is a good side for people like me. The air is very clean because KB is not busy and jam like KL. My english is very horrible. huhuhu...

I've take a couple of pictures along my journey back to KB, Kelantan. Please have a seat to take a few moments capturing the little scenic view of my beloved home :

Along the highway through "Bukit Tujuh"

"Kelapa sawit" main road, near Felda Sungai Koyan

Felda Sungai Koyan again